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Growing up in Canter’s Deli, my family’s restaurant in Los Angeles, I learned the importance of hard work and character at a young age. I saw how hard my father and my grandfather worked, missing family events, and sacrificing to provide for our family and ensure that our team members could provide for theirs. And I saw first hand how everyone’s character — from our customers to our team members — impacted our lives and the lives of other team members.

Everyday, character revealed itself when team members showed up late for work and left others to pick up the slack. It revealed itself when customers failed to pay. It revealed itself when a supplier delivered poor quality food.

But character also revealed itself when someone paid another’s tab, or when a team member brought food to another team member who was ill.

When I started Ordermark I vowed to myself to make character and giving back a central part of our business.

Ordermark Cares

Recently, at a strategy session in Colorado, I shared my ideas with other team members and mentors from Techstars. Through these conversations, a clear idea emerged for how Ordermark could use its relationships and know-how to positively impact the lives of others.

Today I’m incredibly proud, and humbled, to share Ordermark Cares — our first effort to give back in an organized way.

The idea behind Ordermark Cares is pretty simple: To help create special moments and lasting memories by delivering delicious meals to low-income families with children battling serious illnesses.

This will take a village.

Like in a restaurant, Ordermark Cares will require support from a wide range of stakeholders. In the short term, Ordermark will fund this initiative on its own, but long term we’ll engage with our partners — restaurants, food delivery platforms, and donors — to reach as many children as possible.

Working together we’ll make a positive impact on the lives of many. Please reach out if you’re interested in participating. We could use your support.

— Alex

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